On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 11:10:49AM -0700, Jeremy C. Reed wrote: /_ /_Have a look at that poff script. Basically it does: /_ /bin/kill -TERM `pidof pppd` /_ /_pidof can be done like: /_ ps axc -o pid,command | awk "\$2~/^`echo $1`\$/ {print \$1}" /_ /_That poff script is so short you could rewrite (with a friendlier /_license). (Or choose to just use it on your BSD box.) /_ May be easy for you.....but I can not get either to work! (yours or poff). You can take the bulk of what I know about shell scripting and engrave it in large block letters on my thumbnail....even less when it comes to using awk.