On Sun, 2003-07-06 at 17:35, der.hans wrote: > Am 06. Jul, 2003 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so: > > > Actually many of us ARE having a cow over junk mail. > > > > "The environmental impact of junk mail is substantial. . . Individually, > > an average of 41 pounds are sent to every adult. About 44 percent goes > > unread directly into the garbage and 93 percent of junk mail will be > > discarded ultimately. Americans spend over $275 million to dispose of > > junk mail." > > > > Junk Mail: Unsolicited Advertising that Pollutes Our Planet and Invades > > Our Privacy by Michael Worsham > > > > http://www.rtis.com/reg/bcs/pol/touchstone/April95/junkml.htm > > The Tempe post offices ( 5th St and Mill in downtown and Southern and > College ) have collection bins for recycling mail. I take all of my mail > back in for recycling when I'm done with it. I don't know if there are any > other post offices in town that accept mail for recycling. I haven't seen > collection bins at the other post offices I've been to. Call your local post > office and ask when they expect to start collecting mail for recycling. > > ciao, > > der.hans Thanks hans, I didn't know that. I've never seen a recycling bin at the Fountain Hills PO. To quote further from Mick's article: "Junk mail is not very recyclable. In 1990, only 200,000 tons out of 3.8 million tons of junk mail were recycled. Workers at a N.J. mill must sort from junk mail all the "shampoo samples, watches, T-shirts, tea bags and other surprises that don't make good paper." Heavy metals in colored inks do not degrade and eventually re-enter the environment."