Hello all: Some of you may be familiar with the Fab4Linux program, which is an improved graphic user interface for Linux that runs on top of Gnome and KDE. We're currently trying to get a usable version to market. As is unfortunately common in software projects, I've overextended myself a bit. I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to help out on a fixed-price project basis. I could use help in the following areas: Testing: We need to test Fab4Linux on various distributions, desktops, and vintages of machines. Installation: We need help creating an easy, reliable, installation procedure which would ideally include some sort of simple copy-protection scheme. Documentation: We need a user manual and numerous help screens. If anybody's interested, please send an email to vaughn@nakota-software.com. Thanks! Vaughn Treude Nakota Software, Inc. and Fabuluss Software.