McDonald's Happy Meals now come with a real-live video game. Unfortunately, my grandaughter snatched hers back when I started try= ing=20 to unscrew the back of hers with my car keys so I can't tell you too much= of=20 what's inside. But there's a tiny LCD (64x64?) with a clear plastic "colo= r"=20 overlay, two buttons for "up" and "down" and a power switch on the back (= but=20 no compartment door to replace the battery). I don't know what McDonald's pays for these but its gotta be pretty = darn=20 cheap to throw-in to a four-buck kids meal. Figure $0.75 cents for the fo= od=20 and we're still talking less than $3.50 for a complete embedded computer. Anyone have more details or seen a discussion somewhere? --=20 Ed Skinner,,