On Sunday 13 July 2003 2:14 pm, Michael Havens wrote: > 5- Please tell me if you plan on coming to be a demonstrator. We are go= ing > to have 2 chairs provided by the Civic Plaza. > =09EMR has 7 matching, folding, black canvas "director's" chairs. We wil= l=20 probably use 3 max in our booth. Since this is a rare show and we have t= he=20 day before for setup, I'll make sure I have a couple extra. The Civic Pl= aza=20 chairs are always amazing uncomfortable (design methodology?) =09As for being able to bring your own items, remind me to never do a sho= w in=20 Chicago, because EMR would have gone out of business if we paid full pric= e=20 for every service we "needed". --=20 Kyle Faber Account Manager EMR Internet kyle@emr.net 623-581-0842 voice 623-582-9499 fax UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and= =20 other countries.