Michael Havens said: > "If your company used Free Software, you would spend zero time and money > on ensuring compliance!" > > ***Who has that letter?*** I used to save these. http://www.gnue.org/~dneighbo/freedom/front.jpg http://www.gnue.org/~dneighbo/freedom/back.jpg Above is one of thier last campaigns. Here is microsoft's piracy site: http://www.microsoft.com/piracy/ Next time you tell a BSA tell of breaking down doors and people don't believe you. Point them to this gem (with photos) on Microsoft's site, where they brag that they had the Los Angeles Sheriff Dept, Los Angeles Police Department, US Secret Service, US Customs and more busting down an "Intellectual Property Crime Syndicate". http://www.microsoft.com/piracy/go/raids/ (Granted these guys were distributing not just using) Here are materials from the campaign: http://global.bsa.org/usa/policyres/admin/Workroom_Poster.pdf http://global.bsa.org/usa/policyres/RouletteSAMTips.pdf Here is the site for the campaign itself (naturally its a "Grace" campaign) http://global.bsa.org/usa/events/campaigns/ There is great ammunition out there for BSA stuff. :) The BSA is our friend. I have long said if the BSA could penalize EVERYONE violating copyright for operating system and office software alone, Free Software would be dominate within a year. :)