Hope this is the right list -- if not, pls steer me to the right one. I'm a Linux newbie. I need a little coaching on getting USB working. I've searched widely, and read all I can, what I'm missing must be so obvious that nobody's detailing it. RedHat 9 recognizes the usb ports when booting. Can't say for sure whether they are mounted or not. I don't think so. I know the Palm sync utility with Ximian isn't working. I know I don't know how to access anyUSB device. Good news: /proc/bus/usb/devices seems to recognize my memory stick (the only thing I'm trying right now). What I'm missing is: how to mount / open a usb device? You know, read and write files etc. If anyone has been through this and can help me, please contact me off-list. Many thanks -- Craig