On Wednesday 30 July 2003 6:30 pm, Alan Dayley wrote: > 1. If the data files are on a server on the same side of the Linux fire= wall > as the workstations, have you simply unplugged the Linux box's network > connection and watched for Peachtree to start working? Then, plug the > Linux box back in and see it fail? =09All the Windows boxes are on the same side of the firewall, on private= IPs. =20 I have not been out to troubleshoot the connection yet, the customer clos= es=20 up shop earlier than I do and told me to just come on out in the morning.= I=20 just decided to fire of this email because, like I said, I thought I=20 remembered someone saying something, just can't remember who. Maybe it w= as a=20 "standing for 8 hours induced hallucination" =09 > Your original mail was not clear to me. Did it work before and is now > broken after an upgrade? I think more information is needed about the > sequence of events and what has been attempted. =09Was working perfectly, then during application shutdown, peachtree ask= ed=20 about the newest "recommended" update and the next person to use it could= not=20 open any files. The application still works on the machine it is install= ed=20 locally on however. Like I said before, possibly unrelated, but I wanted= to=20 explore this avenue before I get out there tomorrow. > I don't understand how just attaching a Linux box to a network could > possibly bring any application to it's knees. That does not make sense= at > all and Peachtree should be be called to the carpet for releasing such = a > thing, if it is true. =09I don't understand how changing a motherboard should make someone re-l= icense=20 an OS, but I've seen it done. :) Hopefully, its not true. --=20 Kyle Faber Account Manager EMR Internet kyle@emr.net 623-581-0842 voice 623-582-9499 fax UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and= =20 other countries.