I hate to say I told you so, but... Awhile back I commented that file-sharing copyright violations were an outcropping of the scofflaw mentality propagated by widespread speeding on the highways. I received several replies to the effect that Arizona law permitted speeding. These alleged that "you can drive at any 'reasonable' speed." However, Arizona law is clear that the "reasonable and prudent" provision is pre-empted by any posted speed limits, not the other way around. "any speed in excess of the following speeds is prima facie evidence that the speed is too great and therefore unreasonable: ...Sixty-five miles per hour..." full text of the law at: http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/28/00701.htm I'm all for the protection of Fair Use, but copyright violation is illegal and so is speeding. Even if you don't want them to be. We are a country guided by Laws. Let's uphold them! \\/ http://www.wlindley.com p.s., Please reply off-list as I recognize this is perhaps not entirely on-topic.