On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 09:26:29AM -0700, George Gambill wrote: /_ /_1) What type of wireless equipment (manufacturer and model) would anyone /_recommend to well with Linux, with 56K (or slower) dialup, with someone /_(provider) like EMR. /_ Wireless within your home network should be independent of your access to the Net.. I use Orinoco cards and have never been let down. /_2) At some point I may want to go with something like Qwest DSL (to EMR), /_would that change the recommendations? Same as above; no. Get wireless and forget fixing the phone line. The ashtray is full and it is time to get a new car. If you have the extra bucks to spare, and feel the need for speed while at home, then by all means go DSL or cable. -mike