On Thursday 07 August 2003 01:10 pm, AZ Pete wrote: > Calling all network gurus :) > > My IP network address math is rather rusty (it's been a long time!!). I > have need to calculate whether a given client IP address is within a given > network. Additionally, if there are a list of given networks, which one is > the most specific. I need the math formulas to calculate these figures for > use within an application. > > Examples: > Given the network: > Given IP address is: > > What is the formula to determine if this client's IP address falls within > the network's range. > > Further example > Given these networks: and > and the client IP of: > > In this case the client's IP falls within both networks. What is the > formula to determine which network is the more specific one? The IP address has four octets and the network mask (the /24, and /16) say which octets determine the network. /8 masks say that only the first octet matters (192.x.x.x), /16 denote the first two (192.168.x.x), and /24 denotes the first three (192.168.1.x). There is also /32.. but we don't care about that. Figuring out if an IP address is in a given network is as simple as applying the network mask to both the network and the IP and see if they match. If you know that you will always deal with netmasks of 8, 16, or 24, then your code can simply compare the first, second, and or third octets to see if they match. If you want to be more general, then you'll have to do some math. First, convert the IP address to a hex number. Convert each octet separately. -> C0A80164 (192->C0, 168->A8, 1->01, 100->64) Do the same for the network -> C0A80100 Convert the netmask to a hex number. This is done by shifting a full mask (0xFFFFFFFF) by 32 minus the mask. (FFFFFFFF << (32 - 8)) = FF000000 (FFFFFFFF << (32 - 16)) = FFFF0000 (FFFFFFFF << (32 - 24)) = FFFFFF00 (FFFFFFFF << (32 - 17)) = FFFF8000 AND the IP address with the mask C0A80164 & FFFF0000 = C0A80000 AND the network with the mask C0A80000 & FFFF0000 = C0A80000 Compare the two C0A80000 = C0A8000 So is in Yes 1. -> C0A88019 2. -> C0A8C000 3. 18 -> FFFFC000 4. C0A88019 & FFFFC000 -> C0A88000 5. C0A8C000 & FFFFC000 -> C0A8C000 6. C0A8C000 = C0A8C000