Am 11. Aug, 2003 schw=E4tzte Craig White so: > My setup of SpamAssassin must have kicked in a gear because for the past > 2 days, I wasn't getting any email from PLUG or from some other mail > lists such as various RedHat lists etc. I shut off spamassassin for the > time being because I don't have time to figger out what is happening. > > Anyway, I am pushing myself to learn amanda - (time consuming devil it > is) and am wondering about the sensibility of some of the things that I > am doing. > > 1 - I was getting tired of prefacing all my commands with the /usr/sbin > prefix so I created a .bash_profile and put the various paths > /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:~/bin so I can be lazy (sort of like being root). > Does this represent a security problem? I always setup my $PATH to have all the sbin dirs. It's not a security problem. Keep '.' out of your $PATH. If you have to have it in there make sure it's the last entry. > 2 - Perhaps more basic - the user amanda is used to run the various > programs - mostly /usr/sbin/amdump with is setuid root and obviously > amanda uses a bash shell whereas most of the 'daemon' users don't have a > login shell (for obvious reasons). How much of a security issue is this? > > 3 - Perhaps this is more philosophical...why does all tape backup > software suck? Careful, the mtx maintainer's on our list ;-). Backups are very touchy and I bet most people don't want to be on the spot when a restore doesn't work. I still say that backup software is the one place where I see reason to use proprietary software: you want someone to pin if something goes wrong. That said, it would be better to be able to purchase support for a Free Software backup package. Amanda's a bit of a pain to setup, but I found it useful. ciao, der.hans PS: I am no longer working for a backup software vendor, so no conflicts of interest on the above. --=20 # # Schlie=DFlich verteidigt Amerika Freiheit. Und Freiheit beginnt mit dem = Wort. # -- Gunter Grass