\_ SMTP quoth Lynn David Newton on 8/28/2003 07:45 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Of those listed the most promising at first glance is \_ "Open Source Development with CVS" by Moshe Bar and \_ Karl Fogel. There is also, of course, an O'Reilly book, \_ "Essential CVS" by Jennifer Vesperman, which seems to \_ be new. \_ [...] \_ Any comments on either volume from those experienced in \_ the use of CVS to do project development in a group \_ environment would be greatly appreciated. I have yet to see an ORA book that wasn't quite satisfactory. The regulars on openprojects.net #perl assure me that there is at least one turkey out there, but I look at the zoo on my desk and don't see any turkeys. Birds, snakes, camels, others, yes. No turkeys yet. :-) A peacock though. If you've been using CVS, go hit up Borders and spend some time with the nominated books and see what you think. Be sneaky: write to the publishers and politely ask for review copies, write reviews, and keep both volumes. :-) If you need a contact at ORA for that, I have one. David