Actually, you can make this work a number of ways. in .htaccess: redirect 301 / http://www.domain.tld/ in PHP (requires different VirDir) domain.tld "); exit(); ?> in ASP (requires different site) <% Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently" Response.addheader "Location", "http://www.domain.tld/" Response.End %> If using IIS, do NOT use the IIS supplied redirects because they cause errors in the returned header information. The redirects will work but the spiders hate it and will penalize you for it. Use ASP for redirects. wrote: >On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 14:49, Mike Starke wrote: > > >>On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 12:42:54PM -0700, Dr. Ghastly wrote: >>/_1. Some sites work with the www but not without, and vice versa. Depends on >>/_the server and how it was registered. >> >>I believe this is simply a DNS configuration issue. Correct >>me if I am wrong. >> >> > >It actually takes both DNS and Apache being set up correctly to make >http://domain.tld work like http://www.domain.tld. > > >