Hello, How do you debian guys feel about this situation ... it makes me cringe a little, but it should be fine theoretically: A Knoppix HD install installs some bastard combination of debian testing and unstable with a few of its own packages. This is clearly not ideal for installing a server (really fast moving target ... lots of updating, not guaranteed to get security updates for packages). So lets say that I will just be installing a machine that will be a web server with PHP and MySQL with SSH running. With no local users (other than the admin). No X either. So the only services I have listening are ssh and apache (PHP and MySQL via apache). Would you consider it safe to pin these packages and their dependancies back to stable and only put security.debian.org (stable) in sources.list then the only packages that would ever get changed would be these guys. I would also keep track of the kernel since that too may be remotely vulnerable. Austin PS - I have tried downgrading to stable ... nightmare ...