On Friday 12 September 2003 09:15 pm, George Gambill wrote: > Maybe (per Michael) we could have presentations (or papers) covering he > aftermath of the new relationship (based on distro selected). > I'll tell you of what I am talking about: I started a list of operations to follow whenever I find that I need to reinstall my system (if I do apt-get dist-upgrade it screws up x and I don't know the command line) . ----------------------------- 1- Modem cat /proc/pci find modems IRQ & I/O less /var/log/messages find uart cd /dev; test -c ttyS4 || /MAKEDEV ttyS4, chmod 777 /dev/ttyS4 setserial /dev/ttyS4 uart ? port ? IRQ ? baudbase 115200 spd_vhi skip_test