Am 17. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte Miles Beck so: > It may be a little premature to look for a new venue for PLUG. I will give the new owners a chance, but they are digging themselves out of a hole. I like Bandersnatch due to the atmosphere ( especially now that Tempe banned indoor smoking :). I find it unlikely that someone who forces = a small business owner to close shop will provide that same atmosphere. I don't know if those taking over forced the sale or if the city did, but both groups are standing there with their hands in the cookie jar. > I just talked to the Manager at Bandersnatch and it is indeed being > sold. She said the owner "just decided to sell". The name "Bandersnatch" > is being kept and the business is not moving. She said they will be > closing next Monday for a week of remodeling and then will re-open. I don't know all the details, but from talking to several people there, including the owner, it was quite apparent he doesn't want to sell, but he can't afford to fight it either. > It might be good to contact the new owners and see what plans they have > and if PLUG can still meet there. They will have to earn my business, I will not be asking they're pardon to go there. > Not sure how MAMA fits into this but thought others might like to know > what was going on. There could be more to this that I am unaware of. MAMA has been tossing out or screwing over small businesses for a long time= =2E Many of them have a long history. Bandersnatch opened in 1975. Joe has been a part owner for 16 years. I thin= k he's been the sole owner for the last few years. Recently he built a really nice looking bar outside for the smokers to go with Tempe's new anti-smokin= g ordinance. There certainly could be issues I'm not aware of, but Tempe's track record gives credibility to the story as I've heard it. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # Freedom isn't everything, but without freedom you have nothing. - der.ha= ns