There we go! I got it to say it again. There appears to be a configuration error. You have associated Konqueror with text/html, but it can't handle this file type. is what it says -- <:-)~MIKE~(-:> On Thursday 18 September 2003 06:07 pm, Michael Havens wrote: > I now have mozilla as my default browser (thanks for telling me how to do > it) but I wanted to compare picture quality between it and Konqueror to see > if there was any differance.So I changed html back to konqueror. Then I > went back to konqueror and it tells me that it can't read html. Then I > click OK and it loads mozzilla again. Before I ask how to fix this did > anyone do as I wish to do (compare the picture qualities)? If so, should I > worry about it? The reason I am doing this is that I think picture quality > is better in konqueror. I did want to compare the two though because I'm > not positive.