This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C38454.A7DB92B2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" /_Am 25. Sep, 2003 schw?tzte Jim so: /_ /_> When a backup is written to a tape using tar and there are several /_> nights backups on those tapes, how can it be determined which backups /_> are from which nights. /_> /_> For example if you backup the same file names each night to a tape how /_> can you tell which day you are restoring when a restore with tar is done /_> from a DLT tape? /_ /_Most programs write a label to the tape before the backup. I used to include /_a README-style file as the first thing in the backup. /_ /_The tar headers should also contain things like a timestamp. /_ >I too am curious. If the results of a command like >'tar -tvf /dev/' lists all the files, and they >are all called "backup.tar" with differant dates, sizes, etc, how do >you extract one over another? > >-mike > =================================== See: man mt(1L) When you are doing backups you are using the non-rewinding device ( right!?!) so each backup is sequentially placed on tape. I don't like tape sitting loaded in the middle of the tape since it can cause problems with BER so I used to do the following: 1. in a script have a range for number of backups per tape. If you are using something like Amanda this is unnecessary. Range=[1-50] NOTE: First tape block starts at zero! 2. Use mt after first backup to a particular tape to move to next known block. Example for 10th backup: mt fsf 10 positions at the 10th tape block. All data is written in blocks but for this email lets just focus on the starting tape block and ending tape block for a particular operation. first backup starts at block 0 and ends at block 1. Count from there. 3. script keeps track of date vs. block number. 4. recover based on data/block. recovery example: Check output log from cron or previous script run. Timestamp=`date +%s`:10 # -> pick a timestamp you prefer. the value in this case would be something like: 1064587151:10 [ magic parsing happens here ] mt fsf 10 tar xvfz /dev/nst0 *filename* mt rewind You can substitute tar with cpio, afio, etc. I have since switched to mondo and partimage and haven't done this in a while. YMMV. -- Jean L. Francois - Enterprise Linux Architect Ciber, Inc. @ FSIC - Ford Systems Integration Center "Failure is only postponed success as long as courage 'coaches' ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory." ------_=_NextPart_000_01C38454.A7DB92B2 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Francois, Jean (J.L.).vcf" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Francois, Jean (J.L.).vcf" BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Francois;Jean FN:Francois, Jean (J.L.) ORG:IT - Information Technology;J1514 - IT-Development TITLE:Linux Architect NOTE: TEL;WORK;VOICE: TEL;WORK;VOICE:1-602-7705531 TEL;HOME;VOICE: TEL;CELL;VOICE: TEL;PAGER;VOICE:1-602-7705531 TEL;HOME: ADR;WORK:;FSIC - FORD SYSTEMS INTEGRATION CTR;Video Conference ;ALLEN PARK ;MI ;48101-3614 ;USA LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:FSIC - FORD SYSTEMS INTEGRATION CTR=0D=0AVideo Conference =0D=0AALLEN PARK ,= MI 48101-3614 =0D=0AUSA EMAIL;PREF; REV:20030423T141053Z END:VCARD ------_=_NextPart_000_01C38454.A7DB92B2--