On 29 Sep 2003, Ted Gould wrote: > On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 19:27, Bob Holtzman wrote: > > > > I would like to make one point: if you underexpose negative film, color or > > black and white, you lose some shadow detail and *no* printer can save it. > > I'd like to know how adjusting levels can compensate for this. > > The short answer is, it can't. The one advantage that you have in > digital photography is that you don't have to make the transfer linear - > you can do some pretty weird curves that would be impossible in film. > But, you still loose data - you can never recreate data that you didn't > get - it's a sad reality. About the only thing you can do is make it > look better to the viewer of the picture. Now *that* interests me! I just might break down and try it. It would be nice if I had a few kilobucks for a digital 4x5 back...sigh. > The other response is: if it looks better for most people, who cares? ;) If I'm the "people" I care. -- Bob Holtzman "A man is a man who will fight with a sword, Or tackle Mount Everest in snow; But the bravest of all owns a '34 Ford, Who will try for six thousand in low!" Roger Huntington