Am 01. Oct, 2003 schw=E4tzte Derek Neighbors so: > > The cost is the time spent building the system .... so it really depend= s > > on your needs. > > I disagree. This is a mariginal cost, as I would suspect in a production > environment you wouldn't be building the system from scratch very > regularly. However, I think a very real and oft ignored cost is the one > of complete uniqueness. When you build a system from scratch that means > you are the ONLY person on the planet that has that system. For a > production quality system this is extremely dangerous. While I somewhat agree with this, it takes away one of the fundamental advantages of Free Software. The software needs to be robust enough to work under the various circumstances it finds itself. Your logic also says not to use a unique software combo because that also won't be a rigorously tested. I agree with your theory, but I think it's important to use the software as needed, which is not necessarily how others use it. Recompiling just because you like to exercise gcc isn't the greatest idea, though :). For Austin's particular case the true long-term solution is probably to fil= e bug reports against packages that aren't using the stack protection stuff. Other distros will recompile everything as well, but from what I understand gentoo has the best support for that. apt-build - Frontend to apt to build, optimize and install packages There was something else that would do things like turn on optimization. Yo= u could add your own stuff. Can't find it right now. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # I've got a photographic memory, # but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans