> > > By 'number' do you mean on the waiver? I guess some empty boxes on the > > waiver used for 'fill-in' entries for external devices would be a good > > thing. I'll fill in the empty space with 'fill-in' boxes. > > The form you had had a number column alongside the hardware > listing column. > We really don't want their serial numbers. Or did you mean quantity? > Worst case scenario. A person brings a fully operating system to InstallFest and has some flavor of Linux installed. Later, said person shows their evil side and claims their system was irreparably damaged by the InstallFest installer. In truth, the evil user has the original fully operating system tucked away in their garage and is using a garbage system as proof of their claim (they switched them). Without serial numbers, associated with the waiver, there is no way we can prove which system was present at InstallFest. Why would we need to prove (some of you may ask)? After all, they signed a waiver right? Will the waiver alone cover our butts? Does the evil user have a legitimate legal claim? I don't know, I'm not a lawyer, so I say better safe than sorry, include the serial numbers. I agree with the right to privacy, but not if it opens me up to legal attack (my point of view). For those people who show up to get a system installed, AND have a problem with the serial numbers on the waiver, they can simply watch other installs, see how it's done, and do it themselves (again, my point of view). Bart