On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 01:01 AM, der.hans wrote: > Am 14. Oct, 2003 schw=E4tzte Ren so: > >> Let me explain one of my aggravations with Linux... Youse guys are all woosies! Consider that MacOS has: 1) A place for programs that Apple manages. Software Update will=20 happily stomp all over this. 2) Another place for stuff you compile yourself. 3) A third place were apt-get puts programs 4) Yet another place where ordinary users are encouraged to install=20= programs by drag-and-drop. 5) Some overlap between 1 and 4 Now that can make your head ache at first but you soon learn that with=20= a few symlinks and some judicious manipulation of your PATH you get=20 very fine control. You can change the personality of your machine just=20= by swapping .zshrc files. Now my ideal Linux setup would follow the original Unix model and only=20= put programs absolutely essential to operation of the machine in places=20= like /bin or /sbin. Everything else would go under /usr/local/compiled=20= or /usr/local/apt-gotten depending. Actual Linux is not that far from the ideal.