That site returns a 404 (no / on this site). Official site seems to still reside here (as points to it): Glad to see radial gradients are finally implemented :) It's been well over a year since I've tried any Linux GUI development, but is there an easy way to use SVG's within widgets (for example, as the image of a button) but then be able to modify it's characteristics (i.e. color of one part of the image)? I haven't looked at libSVG in quite a while... On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 22:15, Ted Gould wrote: > On Sun, 2003-10-26 at 11:54, Steven Cain wrote: > > In the GIMP demonstration yesterday, they talked about > > another program that was better than GIMP. I want to fry > > and find it, only I don't remember the name of it. "Sobi"- > > something? Anyways, if anyone can help me out here, I'd > > really appreciate it. Thanks, > > Yeah, I was talking about Sodipodi ( - which is a > vector editing program. What that basically means is that you can think > of 'objects' in your picture instead of thinking about pixels. This is > useful for a lot of things, especially making posters and very small web > graphics. Some other programs that do similar things are Adobe > Illustrator, Corel Draw, Sketch and Kontour. > > Hans has made me promise to do a Sodipodi presentation at one of the > meetings sometime soon, so there will be more information then (and some > demos). > > --Ted >