Finally resolved the issue. Bought some cat5e (or, as Belkin likes to call it FastCAT5e) and now, one-way only transfer Windows->Linux is around 10MB/s, Linux->Windows increases to close to 7.5MB/s, and full-duplex is around 3-5MB/s each way, at the same time. Considering it's a cheap switch, I'm satisfied :) Some interesting full-duplex issues (seems to hickup and lock on one of the sides sometimes). Final word: cable was the problem. Thanks to all who helped! On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 21:39, Emmanuel Gravel wrote: > On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 21:11, Craig White wrote: > > On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 01:03, Emmanuel Gravel wrote: > > > I recently purchased a dual-speed full-duplex switch (TrendWare brand, > > > got it relatively cheap). Decided to check the speed by transfering > > > large files (more than 100MB). Linux to Windows, I get 2.4-2.8 MB/s. > > > Windows to Linux, I get 0.8 MB/s at best. I've tried transfering only > > > from one to the other, then full duplex transfers, and I get the same > > > numbers. [...snip...]