You probably need to set your network card to use dhcp. Currently your network cards ip is set to a value that a linksys router (by default) uses for dynamically assigned ip addresses. It might not allow you to use the internet if you are not a dhcp client. That was worded really really badly, sorry. in short, try setting up your network card to use dhcp. hth rowan ps. you could also setup your netword card to a static address of that shouldn't result in a conflict. John Tynan wrote: >I wanted to write and say that the install fest was a >blast! I feel like I have a good start on a Debian >Linux system that I can grow with right from the >start. Thank you all. > >I do have one question. It seems my network card / >settings are not working properly. I am unable to >access the internet via my cable modem/linksys router? > However, when I boot from the Knoppix CD, I am able >to access the internet. > >I checked the following files and their settings: > >/etc/network/interfaces > > iface eth0 inet static > address > netmask > gateway > dns-nameservers > >and > >resolv.conf >nameserver >nameserver >(I left out the "search" parameter, since I am not >sure what to place in it). > >I am able to ping localhost, but am unable to >ping the gateway. The status light on the network >card does not come on, although during the install, I >remember that the network card was detected. > >Do you suggest I reinstall Linux? Or can I get past >this little bump in the road by adjusting my network >settings. > >Any advice you might have is appreciated. > >Sincerely, > >John T. > > >__________________________________ >Do you Yahoo!? >Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears > >--------------------------------------------------- >PLUG-discuss mailing list - >To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: > > > >