In my quest to rid myself of the skerg of msft x86 operating systems I have tried several distros with the best until a couple days ago being knoppix based debian. There have been several problems that have plagued all of the distros that have kept me from deleting the XP partitions on my main computer, a Dell 2650 laptop. These problems included: 1. Power managment did not work at all. 2. Until a week ago I could not find drivers for my WinModem that I had to figure out the model and what not manualy 3. Most distros could not get a working X config file. SuSE 9.0 Personel Edition addressed 1 and 3 very well and made a good attempt at 2 out of box. The winmodem was correctly detected but not correctly configured. All is not right with the world however, SuSE had the same performace with my Oranaco 802.11b card as it did with my winmodem. This is unaccptable as every other distro other than straght debian configured the care correctly automaticly for dhcp work. To some degree I do not mind having to go to other for help on a modem. But not having either a wirless card that everything else has well supported nor the winmodem is unfoutanite. The installations program is as pretty if not more than any other I have seen and it allows many of the details to be setup automaticly. The installation program made a good guess on how a normal person would want a windows box to be turned into dual boot, however I am not normal and I was able to partition to my liking. SuSE defaulted to resier (which is fine) and had options that included both NTFS and VFAT resizing. The desktop defaults to KDE but Gnome is availible. KDE is well setup with a significantly more powerful than stock controll panel. Assuming that within a days the 802.11b can be convinced to work and within a few weeks I am able to convince the winmodem to work I will be freed from the use of MS Windows on this machine forever. .-. =------------------------------ /v\ ----------------------------= Robert Wultsch // \\ Linux User /( )\ AIM:sheepsleep7 Don't fear the penguins ^^-^^ (602)6927564