You know, I recognize that I am a newbie, even though I have subscribed to this list for a couple of years and have received help many times, but I cannot understand why some people have to get after someone who posts a message like this one but doesn't say a thing about the "old-timers" who make posts about job opportunities. Does this mean that you have to have a certain status on the list before you can get away with this? While I agree that I don't want to receive "untargeted email", which I think is another name for spam, I feel that if the subject line of the post (this one was very clear as to who it was directed at) is representing the nature of the post than whoever receives it can decide if they want to read it or not. That is, after all the purpose of the subject line. I apologize for the length of this post and I don't really mean to offend anyone as I regard this list as a valuable resource for information I cannot get elsewhere. I personally appreciate Matt's posting as I feel this is a service I wasn't aware of that I may be able to use. Have a great day. Cliff