I found a solution to my command-terminal launching issue. It turns out *I* was causing the problem of lost functionality with sawfish (Doh!). The problem was I thought I had to remove metacity to use sawfish. Not true. I simply had to tell gnome to use sawfish instead. Removing metacity broke the control-center (don't know why but I'm guessing it has something to do with a shared library). For those interested - the way to make the change is with `gnome-session-properties`. On the "current session" tab, set metacity to "trash", and on the "startup programs" tab add sawfish (starting at same order position a metacity had). Choose "save current session" as you log out and you're done. If you don't save the session your next gnome session won't start (can't have 2 window managers). If that happens delete (or rename) '$HOME/.gnome2/session-normal' and try again. I now have the functionality I expect through the control-center. ALSO... I found the terminal launch shortcut for KDE. Its Ctrl+e. Bart