For communications to MS systems, I use the "smbclient" command-line program, which seems to come with every Linux distro and hopefully has gotten installed by default on your system. The syntax is: smbclient //compname/x -U user where "compname" is the name of the Windows system, x is the drive letter and user is the user login. At this point it prompts you for the password. Once you're in, you can do a "?" for commands, which are pretty similar to those in ftp. The main transfer commands are "put" and "get." It does the trick for me. Vaughn On Tuesday 09 December 2003 20:17, you wrote: > I recently installed Lindows 4.5 on my computer and have been having > problems transferring files. > I tried to copy some pictures over from my computer to my wife's Win2K > computer. I mapped her shared drive without a problem, can read the files > on her hard drive, but when I try to copy files to her hard drive, the > process hangs. It doesn't error out, it just hangs. I am doing this all > as root and I have the proper username & password plugged in for her > computer. The same thing happens when I try to ftp a file from my computer > to a server on the Internet. Currently I'm at work and I'm ssh'ed into my > home computer When I try to ftp to an Internet server, it just hangs. No > errors are generated--it just stops. I have to Ctrl-Z to get out of it. > Any ideas? > Tia > Dart ---------------------------------------- Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Description: ----------------------------------------