At today's exchange rate, $10,000 US = 456,000 Rupees If you live in the Indian economy, you can't help but "make out like a bandit" when the average salary in India is taken into consideration. You really need to understand what the general lifestyle on the receiving end of the salary is to evaluate the "goodness" or "badness" of a pay rate. Not an easy task. On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 12:00 I read your message -- Not bad? It really sucks compared to what I was making just a couple of years ago. Of course, the weak economy is partly to blame, and the internet bubble, which left the market with a glut of our kind of talent. Another problem is the overvalued dollar. I bet a person can live like a king over in India for $10K worth of rupees. Vaughn Treude -- Fred Wright