On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 08:25, Craig Brooksby wrote:
> Anyone with experience and advice? Just point me in the right
> direction, please.
> I work part-time downtown (on Windows platform), and sometimes need a
> file sitting on my Linux box, at home.
> What I need is PuTTY? http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
> Will it work like this? ("Ports" and whether or not they are "open" is
> still way over my head.) MyRH9box --> LnksysRouter --> CoxCbl -->
> Internet --> MyWindowsBox
> I suppose I should expect to get command line, not my Gnome Desktop.
> Many thanks.
putty has an scp command line client program as part of the package if
you download the whole thing and not just putty.exe
There is an excellent scp program called WinSCP3 link below.
I gave this list of SCP clients to a client of mine - in case anyone has
better alternatives...
Macintosh OS9
Suggest Nifty-Telnet
Macintosh OS X
Try Fugu