There should not be a reason to create tables that are identical. Keep everything in the same table .. infact, if the date is the current date, you can use a timestamp field to automatically add the date to each new record. As far as speed of the database .. I honestly can't think of a scenario where creating a new table of ~100 or so records each day would increase speed. If anything, I would believe this would make the access logic significantly more complex, more likely to contain errors and slower overall (afaik, you would have to run the same query on each table then combine the data sets.. so 1 query for the single table vs 1 for each of the separate tables..) If you have a certain number of days where searching is critical (ie 2 years worth of data), you could setup your system to move the old data to an archive table which may increase speed slightly. However, given the entry rate, your only talking 350,000 records after a decade .. still a fairly small table. Of course, if you need specific help (ie what fields to include, what the field types should be, what indexes should be used, etc..) I am guessing there are quite a few database admins on this list (me included) that could assist you. KJZZ Webmaster wrote: > Is it a good idea to create separate tables with the date as the title of > each table? Or would it be better to have a date field and add all records > to a single table?