Wow, isn't this sweet. A Microsoft employee asking us nicely to do their research for them: "Hi, I'm a nice fellow, and I think you Linux folks are really swell. In the spirit of brotherly love and peace on Earth, would you mind telling me what we need to do to kick your ass?" PUH-LEEEEEZE. This is the same guy who wrote an article on ZDNet back in '98 or '99 called "I Come Not To Praise Linux..." in which he bashed Linux, Linux users, and the Halloween document. Oddly enough, now that Mr. Surkan is offering the hand of cooperation to the F/OSS community, that article is no longer available on ZDNet (even though plenty of others which are that old are). I say again: PUH-LEEEEEZE. Don't help them out, folks. They want you to tell them how to beat us. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Gehlker" To: Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 2:58 PM Subject: MS Surveys > Microsoft is conducting a surveys of home and business linux users to > discover how to compete. They are at > and > respectively. > If you take the survey, it might be interesting to share your > responses. > > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: > >