I picked up a tivo over the weekend (Hughes HDVR2, directv series 2...) for 100 bucks and though I have yet to power it up, I have gone thought the box and was surprised at what I found in terms of software license crap. In the back of the tivo user manual the GPL is there in it's entirety. Attached to the tivo is a card saying the software may not be downloaded, decompiled, put into machine readable form... It seems odd that there are two seemingly incompatible license attached to the same devices. If anyone out there is much of a tivo person, I am wondering if it is easily possible to get it to act as a 1. DHCP server (the tivo should have more uptime and less time being fussed with than anything else)? 2. A samba server (so that my music may be played on any other computer without slowing down the hard drive/ taking up space)