When you plug in the digital camera under linux tail /var/log/messages "tail -f /var/log/messages" and see what device the camera is now listed as eg sda1 then cd to sda1 and you can copy files from the camera as if it was any other piece of removable media. You could use the article below about usb thumb drives as a reference since once you plug the camera into the usb port it should behave just like a usb thumb drive would. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6867 Jim On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 17:51, Michael Havens wrote: > Well, I got a digital camera for Christmas (Kodak CX6330). As gtkam does not > support this model as of yet I am again using the M$98 side of my system. > This means that I have to copy the files I download to the linux side of my > box; but when I try to it tells me that the file that I have dragged to the > Linux Desktop does not exist. > ????????? WHAT ??????? > What am I doing wrong? I tried chmod 776 hda1 but the permissions wouldn't > change.... on second thought it is a good thing the permissions wouldn't > change because if you write to a windows partition from Linux it becomes > unusable to M$ products. (unless one of you knows how to get around that) > > Well I did it! I am not sure how I did it but it is done. After all of the > pics were in Linux chmod worked without a problem. Actually I moved > everything via the command line. > > I'll do a google tomorrow when I have internet access concerning the driver > for the camera..... unless one of you knows something of off the top of your > head. > > Is there a way to change the permissions on hda1 that will not adversly affect > the system? That way I can drag and click and not have to do things from the > command line.