> I can't believe I am getting NO advice on this list. > I'll say it: Linux is NOT ready for the desktop. > Not mine, for sure. Hey Vic: I'm primarily a RH9 desktop user, and a Linux newbie. Last time I wrote a posting like yours, I got great help from "alandd," "jd" and "craigwhite" who were on point and very helpful. "cobryce" has been very generous with help in the IIRC thing. Many others, along the line. People must be busy -- don't give up. I don't have the chops to give you any advice, other than perhaps to take one issue at a time. I use the RH desktop all day, every day, and still have lots of maddening problems. I don't know the "UNIX" stuff, so I am 100% desktop. My experience echos yours. Open Office is nice, but still a far cry from Office. (Spreadsheets randomly refuse to recalculate). I gave up on sound. I am able to back up to CD using voodoo and incantations I don't understand. I can print, but it's all in high resolution. I have to kill Nautilus several times a day. (Magically, Mozilla and Firebird seem to have healed themselves). Some people love Linux for the philosophical open-source aspects. Some seem to grok the deep computer-science nuances. Me, I just use it because it's cheap. :-) I love PLUG. I hope to someday be a contributor. Linux will catch up. Craig