Am 07. Jan, 2004 schw=E4tzte George Gambill so: > Tried to return your message to and it bounced back also, wi= th > the same error. > > ...Your IP does not have a reverse DNS entry. > Disconnecting... In general, that's a bad check to have for mail. It might be good to pass o= n to spamassassin as one of the items to check for, but just rejecting for lack of a reverse record is problematic as there are still bad ISPs out there, even for commercial accounts :(. In fact, it would be good to let spamassassin know if the reverse record is missing altogether, if the names don't match up, or if everything's hunky dory. The latter might even be seen as a sign that the mail isn't SPAM. > Then I sent a reply to kyle@ which hasn't come back yet. Ju= st > in case it fails also, I am posting here on PLUG. Hoping PLUGers will be > kind. Check your mail server. is your IP :). It's the IP your mail is coming from, anyway. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans