Mike was having problems sending this so he asked me to forward it. > > From: "Michael Havens" > Date: 2004/01/07 Wed PM 07:14:46 EST > To: > > > I go to a school called Maricopa Skill Center for computer networking (M$ only at the moment~ the networking teacher said he hates Linux- what a putts!). I was talking to the computer repair teacher and he is interested in Linux. Please contact him (richard.barkley@gwmail.maricopa.edu) to see how to facilitate this. At the moment he wants to put it on one of the computers here and possibly give it to his students to install it on machines they build. > I told him about how Israel is becoming an open source country. Could you tell him about the other countries and cities that have turned to open source? > > > > > > > This message has been scanned for viruses by the VEI Internet > Automatic Email Spam and Virus Scanner, and is believed to be free of spam or viruses. > Please report spam to spamtrap@vei.net. If you would like 98.9 % spam blocked from your > E-mail then go to VEI Internet for details. Anti-spam/Anti-virus is FREE with every account. > > > http://www.vei.net/ > mailtospamtrap@vei.net >