On Thursday 08 January 2004 1:00 am, Craig White wrote: > actually RH 9 (there never was a 9.0) is still supported - so is 8.0 but > not by Red Hat and thus certainly 9 and possibly 8.0 are not 'abandoned' > - your term. Both have been replaced by Fedora-fc1 and I'm gathering fc2 > is RSN. Yea, someone else took over the job. Redhat threw their hands up and left everyone in the cold. > Your suggestion to Victor to switch to SuSE 9.0 helps him how? Same way if someone was struggling with Windows 98, I would strongly suggest they move to windows XP. Windows 98 I believe has 1 or 2 weeks of support left. Why have someone struggle with outdated software? Makes no sense, and I guess this goes to answer the bottom part of your question. Playing with an old distro will just frustrate him and push him back to windows! > The point that I apparently am never gonna make with you, but perhaps > might resonate with someone, somewhere is that someone complaining that > they are having problems with something is not going to benefit from 10 > people telling him that THEIR DISTRO is better. It's not about distro's bud, It's all about updated software and support. Redhat moved on to other things, and left it with Fedora to pick up. I gave him my honest opinion about Redhat which still stands. I don't like it, never did!! I don't like how you can only update one machine and have to pay for any others. I don't like paying $149.95 for there professional or server edition, when I can get SuSE 9.0 Pro for $79.95 There many things I can point out, but I'm not gonna get into that. It still boils down the problem where the man is having problems getting his hardware recognized, and with the Linux world you need to have the latest and greatest in order to have the correct modules installed. Later down the road maybe he might want to put in a NVIDIA FX card, only be disappointed again that the drivers won't install cause none of the FX kernel modules are installed and won't be recognized. Pop that same card into a SuSE 9.0 or maybe even Redhat 9.0 and it's just a matter of installing the drivers. But I don't feel comfortable recommending Redhat after they decided to drop the project into someone else's hands. I'm sorry if I hurt your feeling my not choosing "your" favorite distro, but it's my business to recommend to people what I feel is the best choice at the time. > Of course, he is free to take your advice and wipe it all out and start > anew with SuSE (actually, I think 9.1 is just about out the door) and > judging from the fact that I see you offering little assistance to the > support questions asked around here, it would seem to me that if he runs > into problems with SuSE, the local Phoenix pool of help might be a bit > thin. I'm not not sure where you have been, but I have volunteered my time freely to anyone that has had problems or issues with linux. Ask Frank Burton about the many hours or days I've spent on the phone with him assisting him with Linux, and never charged anyone a dime. By the way, have you looked at the news articles on PLUG lately? Did you see an article from Krycom? KRYstal COMputer -- Richard L. Proctor Krystal Computer Services PC Repairs & Upgrades 480-699-3098