On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 10:25, Richard L. Proctor wrote: > On Thursday 08 January 2004 9:25 am, Craig White wrote: > > wrong with that? He's using an old distro of Redhat, and as explained > before, Redhat bailed and gave it to Fedora. --- just a point of clarification since I don't agree with the characterization that Red Hat bailed. Red Hat EOL's their distro's just as apparently all distro's do with their old versions and not just Linux but apparently the BSD's do as well. Fedora is entirely free - you can't even purchase it in a store. Red Hat is fully involved in fedora base - the rest is community supported. It's obviously an effort to do things differently than they had been doing them. Time will tell if this was a good idea. My impression thus far is that this was a good route to go. The characterization that 'Red Hat bailed' is by someone who doesn't use it and doesn't understand it. Craig