please Hans, Tell us how it went when you get back. (after the meeting) -- <:-)~MIKE~(-:> On Friday 09 January 2004 03:20 pm, der.hans said: ~ > TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR ~ > WHEN: Thursday, January 15, 2004 ~ > TIME: 11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ~ > PLACE: Chandler Chamber of Commerce ~ > COST: $15 for members $20 for non-members ~ > Topic: The Pros and cons of Linux ~ I signed up. ~ ~ ciao, ~ ~ der.hans This message has been scanned for viruses by the VEI Internet Automatic Email Spam and Virus Scanner, and is believed to be free of spam or viruses. Please report spam to If you would like 98.9 % spam blocked from your E-mail then go to VEI Internet for details. Anti-spam/Anti-virus is FREE with every account.