On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 23:02, technomage wrote: > alright guys. thats enough. > this type of behavior from all parties concerned borders on childish (and is > certainly NOT progessional). > > This is certainly a good way to lose a lot of good members in a hurry, don't > you think? > > if you are going to hurl insults, take it off list (private) or go to a > newsgroup alt.falme). > > we don't need it here. --- actually, the issues of free software vs. proprietary / open source vs closed source are very important. Track the thread and you will see that it started from the theme of why it was his recommendation to people having problems getting other distro's to work to change to SuSE which includes non-open source and proprietary software. People try out Linux for various reasons and the discussion would benefit people who aren't clear about these differences and how it matters to them. BTW contains a rather interesting interview of Eric Raymond. What Richard labeled as an insult was simply a question indicating concern since Richard had contradicted himself in 5 hours and 2 minutes of time. Had I chosen to personally insult him (an likely event), my intent and the notions that I had expressed would have been clear. Craig