Yes, I'm still out here ... Augie Grayfox wrote: > Let's try to keep our eyes on the ball...keeping a convert > a convert, by providing help on ANY distro of Linux, > so that he won't go back to the darkside. > Don't give up yet Vic, it took me 5 years to work the > courage up to try Linux again after a NASTY experience > with RH 5. > My $.02 Augie, you need to understand that I would not have posted that message on the AZIPA list, or anywhere outside PLUG. I've been doing all my programming in the Unix world for the past 16 years, and rely on my Linux dual-boot to do things that just don't make sense to do under Windows. Nobody answered my first two attempts. Now I'm busy cut'n'pasting tasty morsels out of the YMMV thread and will certainly reply with my results. What works for me is all the Internet stuff of course, and anything resembling serious data processing; the Gimp (I use it to touch up photos); and oh by the way, Win98 can't talk to my CDR drive any more without blue-screening, while Linux has no problem with it at all (supporting what Derek said about Windows and devices, this is my second such experience). After the devices, I have plenty of other issues with the Linux desktop. It's been a couple of years since I successfully installed an RPM for example. I'm serious about "maybe next year", but User Linux may get us there sooner. Sooner or later Microsoft will become a *lot* less relevant. I'm thinking right now that I may move towards Gentoo, since that would give me a valid code-base I can hack for answers. I may not post again after I find time to read through this whole thread and actually try some of the things that were suggested. I work two jobs and don't really have time for mailing lists or learning curves, but I do need to move this project along ... Thanks to all, Vic