> > I was thinking to myself last night that I should learn how to ping things > before I went to bed last night. This morning I arose at 4:45 and jumped onto > the computer to check the email and through another list I'm on learnedfrom the > Unix Virus email I forwarded to that list about ping. > I have two questions concerning ping: > 1- I leaarned trough the man pages that the 'f' switch means to flood their > server with ping packets. Does that baasically mean thaT nothing else can get > in? It all depends on your bandwidth and theirs :) There is also a '-s' parameter that allows you to adjust the packet size. > 2- Why, in the address portion, does one omit the 'www'? www is just a subdomain of a domain. www.site.com and site.com can have completely different addresses. JD -- JD Austin IV Cell: 480.204.0540 Twin Geckos Technology Services http://www.twingeckos.com "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."