On Thursday 05 February 2004 14:29, JD Austin wrote: > > I was thinking to myself last night that I should learn how to ping > > things before I went to bed last night. This morning I arose at 4:45 = and > > jumped onto the computer to check the email and through another list = I'm > > on learnedfrom the Unix Virus email I forwarded to that list about pi= ng. > > I have two questions concerning ping: > > 1- I leaarned trough the man pages that the 'f' switch means to flood > > their server with ping packets. Does that baasically mean thaT nothi= ng > > else can get in? > > It all depends on your bandwidth and theirs :) > There is also a '-s' parameter that allows you to adjust the packet siz= e. > > > 2- Why, in the address portion, does one omit the 'www'? > > www is just a subdomain of a domain. www.site.com and site.com can hav= e > completely different addresses. > To pick one I know from recent experience, see: mvista.com versus www.mvista.com Ping each one and notice the different IP address. You may also find the "host" command useful. host mvista.com host www.mvista.com And, just for fun, try this one: host hp.com (But I don't understand the results!) --=20 Ed Skinner, ed@flat5.net, http://www.flat5.net/