The only 'experience' I have had with that one was talking to someone from Payson, AZ that was down looking around. He had bought one and its video seems to have died. This was 3 weeks? before that it died. He had bought it 'to learn linux' on. I got his address and mailed him a copy of Knoppix to try out on his 'other' windows machine, and sent him a copy of Mandrake 9.2 also. Plus a bunch of websites including plug's and Asulug for help. Never even got an email reply that he got the stuff, but he gave me enough to cover the cost of the cd's and shipping. In fact I made a whopping dollar something for my efforts. Fry's has two models of that machine. Take the cover the time I was looking it was loose and I just lifted it off and looked at it. The 'video' card is about 1/2 size and in a 'special' agp?? slot. I think there is one available pci slot, maybe two?? Basically, what you get is what you got. I would rather be on a 'full' old 400mhz (or there abouts) machine than that one from what I saw, but then not everyone can find a 'used' machine that is cheap or donated to them. FWIW, just my opinion, YMMV --- devin rankin wrote: > As Craig said, the Via C3 board I have seen have all > had everything > integrated on one board. I have never looked inside > the Fry's computer, > but I'm guessing that it is a mini-ITX format, which > is the only thing I > have ever seen these processors on. Here are some > links that deal with > these formats. > > > > A good place to go to learn more about Linux on the > Via C3 processor. > Via is not the only maker of the mini-ITX format, > but they are one of > the big players. > > > > A site based out of the UK, this has a lot of good > info as well as some > great mod work done with the mini-ITX format. Check > out the top story > here. What a beautiful little computer. > > > As Alan said, these guys can be a bit on the slow > side. But not > everything needs a 2+ gHz processor, or the heat and > noise that go along > with them. > > Devin > > > > > > On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 08:14, Craig White wrote: > > On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 08:04, Chris Gehlker wrote: > > > On Feb 7, 2004, at 7:56 AM, Craig White wrote: > > > > > > > ThizLinux is a chinese compilation of Linux > > > > > > > > Haven't used it. You can wipe the hard drive > out and install anything > > > > you want on it (x86 based_naturally) > > > > > > That's good to know. I was afraid that it might > have issues with > > > proprietary drivers. Do you know anything about > the quality of the > > > hardware? Is it better than eMachines? > > --- > > Judging by Devin's post - who obviously has more > experience than I with > > these boards (my experience = 0), it would seem > that... > > > > - there are at least some variety of these boards > > > > - the processor obviously emulates the 386/586/686 > instruction set > > (exactly which I don't know - but VIA web page > would have something) > > > > - you are likely to encounter EVERYTHING > integrated in chipset on the > > board, according to Devin again, hardware > detection with random success > > on a per distro basis. > > > > - better than eMachines? Is this a trick question? > > > > Craig > > > > > --------------------------------------------------- > > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > > > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail > settings: > > > > > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail > settings: > ===== Cyclists should expect and demand safe accommodation on our public roads, just as does every other user. Nothing more is expected. Nothing less is acceptable! __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.