----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric "Shubes"" To: Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 10:11 PM Subject: HylaFax and metamail > (glad to see that the list server had a problem and it wasn't my email > server) > > I was working at installing Hylafax on a RH9 box today. Tried to RPM -i > the binary, and it warned me that the package wasn't keyed (I had rpm > --import 'd the public key), then said that it was dependent on the > metamail and sharutils packages. I found sharutils with the installation > RPMS and installed it, but was unable to find metamail on the RH9 > installation RPMS (three CDs I've loaded to the HDD in /opt partition). > The doc says metamail (or compatable) is a UU-encoding program, used for > (optional) fax-to-mail gateways. I understand that UU-encoding has been > around a while so I'm reluctant to install metamail thinking that > sendmail might have a (different) module that it uses (in place of > metamail). I don't need the optional fax-to-mail gateway anyhoots.. > > So should I hunt down the metamail program and install it (to satisfy > the binary rpm) or build it from the source rpm? I've built wine from > source, but kinda prefer binaries when they're available. I figure > someone on this list is likely to point me in the right direction. > > TIA We went through this same issue a few months back. We chose to install metamail and havent had any problems, but that server is only used for HylaFax and Jabber, so your mileage may vary. :-) We use sendmail on that system to send e-mail copies of the fax results and that's working fine, so it doesn't seem to have broken sendmail in any new ways. Bill Earl Network Admin 623.516.4700 phone 623.587.7787 fax www.bestbill.com