For your knowledge ladies and gentleman, at the next east side PLUG meeting will be three fine books. The first of which is, 'Blueprints:Migrating to the Solaris Operating System'. The second is 'Rapid Application Development with Mozilla'. The third (and I think most useful of the three) is called, The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide'. DId I mention that these are nice books ? Did I mention that they are new with an average price of $50? So nice in fact that I think we ought to raffle each book individually (so that nobody wins something that they do not want) to raise money for PLUG or AZOTO. What do you all think about this. We can keep this as either a PLUG thing or perhaps a whole world thing. People in classes maybe could share this with other *nix students and perhaps purchase tickets through them; and to make this inclusive of the entire a valley what needs to be done is announce it before the east side meeting (like now) take the books into that meeting to show them off. Then take them into the west-side meeting. And then hold the raffle at the subsequent east-side meeting. On Friday 27 February 2004 19:40, Gabe Grijalva wrote: > Mike...when you take your boxen to the meeting please > make sure you deliver the books I gave you to deliver > to PLUG..... > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Get better spam protection with Yahoo! Mail. > > --------------------------------------------------- > PLUG-discuss mailing list - > To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: > This message has been scanned for viruses by the VEI Internet Automatic Email Spam and Virus Scanner, and is believed to be free of spam or viruses. Please report spam to If you would like 98.9 % spam blocked from your E-mail then go to VEI Internet for details. Anti-spam/Anti-virus is FREE with every account. --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: