================================================================ O'Reilly News for User Group Members May 27, 2004 ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Book News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Hackers & Painters -Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, 2nd Ed. -Stealing the Network -Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook -Digital Photography Hacks -.NET Compact Framework Pocket Guide -Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Upcoming Events ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Rob Griffiths ("Max OS X Hints"), Rogue Valley Mac Expo 2004, Grants Pass, OR--June 13 -Derrick Story ("Digital Photography Hacks"), North Coast Mac Users Group, Rohnert Park, CA--June 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Conference News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Mac OS X Conference Call for Participation--Ends June 11 -O'Reilly Open Source Convention Early Bird Discount--Ends June 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------- News ---------------------------------------------------------------- -O'Reilly Distributes Pragmatic Bookshelf -Microsoft Smartphone Tips and Tricks -Dave Chappell: Inside the Enterprise Service Bus -Inside the Homebrew Atari 2600 Scene -Top Ten Ethereal Tips and Tricks -FreeBSD Networking Basics -The Fight Against Spam -Top 12 Ways to Degunk Your PC -Windows Server Hacks: Configuring Universal Group Caching -SSS (Small, Simple, Safe) -Documenting Projects with Apache Forrest -C# Generics ---------------------------------------------------------------- News From Your Peers ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Looking for more User Group events to attend? Or want to get more exposure for your events? ================================================ Book News ================================================ Did you know you can request a free book to review for your group? Ask your group leader for more information. For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to: http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html Don't forget, you can receive 20% off any O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, Pragmatic Bookshelf, or Syngress book you purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938. http://www.oreilly.com/ ***Free ground shipping is available for online orders of at least $29.95 that go to a single U.S. address. This offer applies to U.S. delivery addresses in the 50 states and Puerto Rico. For more details, go to: http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html ---------------------------------------------------------------- New Releases ---------------------------------------------------------------- ***Hackers & Painters Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596006624 "Hackers & Painters" examines issues such as the importance of beauty in software design, the programming language renaissance, spam filtering, the Open Source Movement, and Internet startups. Each essay moves beyond widely held beliefs about the way programmers work and tells important stories about the kinds of people behind technological innovations, revealing distinctions about their characters and their craft. Hackers who read this book will surely recognize themselves within these pages, and programmers will have new thoughts percolating the minute they put it down. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/hackpaint/ Chapter 2, "Hackers and Painters," is available free online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/hackpaint/chapter/index.html ****Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, 2nd Ed. Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596005431 "Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, 2nd Edition" has been updated and redesigned around the rich offerings of PEAR. Several of these offerings, including the Template package and the database-independent query API, have been integrated into examples and thoroughly described. Using a complex sample application, all the important techniques of dynamic content are introduced with an emphasis on good design. The book also introduces PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1 features, while providing techniques that can be used on older versions of the software. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webdbapps2/ Chapter 11, "Authentication and Security," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webdbapps2/chapter/index.html ***Stealing the Network Publisher: Syngress ISBN: 1931836051 A fictional continent is emerging as a major new economic, political, and military force on the world stage. However, its rapid growth has left little in the way of time and money to shore up its Internet backbone; now it's vulnerable to a potentially catastrophic attack. Who are the bad guys? What do they want? How will it end? Find out in this cyber-thriller, written by some of the most accomplished cyber-security specialists in the world. We could tell you their real names, but then we'd have to kill you. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1931836051/ ***Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596006969 "Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook" shows you how to use Hibernate to automate persistence: you write natural Java objects and some simple configuration files, and Hibernate automates all the interaction between your objects and the database. You don't even need to know the database is there, and you can change from one database to another simply by changing a few statements in a configuration file. If you've needed to add a database back-end to your application, don't put it off. It's much more fun than it used to be. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/0596006969/ Chapter 3, "Harnessing Hibernate," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/0596006969/chapter/index.html ***Digital Photography Hacks Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: 0596006667 Going beyond the standard fare of most digital photography books, "Digital Photography Hacks" shares the knowledge that professional photographers have learned through thousands of shots' worth of experience and years of experimentation. With exquisite, full-color photos throughout, the book presents 100 proven techniques in the areas of daytime and nighttime photo secrets, flash magic, digital camera attachments, fun photo projects, camera phone tricks, and more. This book is your passport to taking the kind of digital photos you've always aspired to. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/digphotohks/ Ten Sample Hacks are available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/digphotohks/chapter/index.html ***.NET Compact Framework Pocket Guide Publisher: O'Reilly ISBN: ISBN: 0596007574 ".NET Compact Framework Pocket Guide" teaches you what you need to know to create applications for Pocket PC- and Windows-based Smartphones. This pocket guide is a handy reference that provides a quick tour of the .NET Compact Framework, and includes several working projects to get you productive straightaway. Whether you're new to mobile programming or new to Visual Studio .NET 2003, ".NET Compact Framework Pocket Guide" will have you writing mobile applications quickly. Get the information you need without all the fluff. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/compactframeworkpg/ A sample excerpt, "Project A: Currency Converter," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/compactframeworkpg/chapter/index.html ***Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf ISBN: 0974514004 Version control systems don't have to be complicated, or time-consuming. This book is a recipe-based approach to using the CVS Version Control system that will get you up and running quickly--and correctly. Half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all, and many others experience problems. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/0974514004/ ================================================ Upcoming Events ================================================ ***For more events, please see: http://events.oreilly.com/ ***Rob Griffiths ("Max OS X Hints"), Rogue Valley Mac Expo 2004, Grants Pass, OR--June 13 Rob will be one of the featured presenters at this event. Josephine County Fairgrounds Art Building Grants Pass, OR http://www.jomacs.org/news_article.php?article_id=39 ***Derrick Story ("Digital Photography Hacks"), North Coast Mac Users Group, Rohnert Park, CA--June 15 Derrick, author and O'Reilly Network editor, presents "Movie Making with Your Digital Camera" at the June NCMUG meeting. Learn to create compelling QuickTime video that can be shared with friends, family, and even coworkers in the business environment. Free for NCMUG members and $5 for non-members. Rohnert Park Senior Center Rohnert Park, CA http://www.ncmug.org/ ================================================ Conference News ================================================ ***Mac OS X Conference Call for Participation--Ends June 11 If you're pushing the Mac envelope, we want you to speak at our third annual Mac OS X Conference this October. We're looking for proposals from developers building new apps, admins tapping the open source toolbox, small business owners powering their bottom lines, and digital musicians leveraging X's muscle--but we're open to surprises, too. The deadline for proposals is June 11. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/create/e_sess ***O'Reilly Open Source Convention Early Bird Discount--Ends June 18 User Group members who register before June 18, 2004 get a double discount. Use code DSUG when you register, and you'll get 20% off the "Early Bird" price. To register, go to: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2004/create/ord_os04 O'Reilly Open Source Convention Portland Marriott Downtown Portland, OR July 26-30, 2004 http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/ ================================================ News From O'Reilly & Beyond ================================================ --------------------- General News --------------------- ***O'Reilly Distributes Pragmatic Bookshelf Books by developers, for developers: that's the pragmatic way, and it's nicely aligned with the O'Reilly approach to publishing. We're happy to help Pragmatic Programmers reach a wider audience by providing sales, distribution, and marketing support for Pragmatic Bookshelf, an imprint of Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. For a list of titles available on the Pragmatic Bookshelf, visit: http://pragmatic.oreilly.com/ ***Microsoft Smartphone Tips and Tricks Ultimately, smartphones are only as smart as the applications that run on them. Wei-Meng Lee begins a new series that explores what's possible, and what's practical, with these powerful mobile devices. Wei-Meng is the author of "Windows XP Unwired." http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2004/05/14/smartphone_tips.html ***Dave Chappell: Inside the Enterprise Service Bus Integration Developer News spoke with Dave Chappell to gain insights on how ESBs work, and more importantly, how they may change the way Java developers look at XML, XPath, messaging, and transaction-driven integration projects. Dave is the author of O'Reilly's upcoming "Enterprise Service Bus." http://www.idevnews.com/CaseStudies.asp?ID=124 --------------------- Open Source --------------------- ***Inside the Homebrew Atari 2600 Scene Despite console-company protestations to the contrary, emulators aren't only tools for copyright infringers. If it weren't for emulators, would the Atari 2600 homebrew scene be where it is today? "Wait, there's an Atari 2600 homebrew scene?" you ask. As Howard Wen explains, it exists, and new-school programmers are making some impressive games in the old-school style. http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2004/05/20/atari_2600_homebrew.html ***Top Ten Ethereal Tips and Tricks Ethereal rivals commercial sniffers with its abundance of features and hundreds of protocol dissectors. And best of all, it's free. Here's a top ten list of Ethereal tips and tricks from Angela D. Orebaugh, a coauthor of Syngress' "Ethereal Packet Sniffing." http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/security/2004/05/13/etherealtips.html ***FreeBSD Networking Basics Networking is integral to many functions of a modern FreeBSD system. When it's working, it works wonderfully. When it's not working--or before you've configured things--it can frustrate new users. Dru Lavigne, author of O'Reilly's "BSD Hacks," explains how to verify, configure, and optimize FreeBSD networking. http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2004/05/13/FreeBSD_Basics.html --------------------- Mac --------------------- ***LDAP in Mac OS X Server Typical network services problems, such as enabling all of your computers to use the same login information to authenticate users, can be solved with directory services. Panther has the built-in tools, but they're still less than elegant. Tony Williams shows you how to piece them together. http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/05/25/ldap.html ***The Fight Against Spam Fighting spam is a battle that all Internet users must fight. Francois Joseph de Kermadec shows you practical techniques, many of which you might have overlooked, to take back control of your email. Part One: http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/05/14/spam_pt1.html Part Two: http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/05/18/spam_pt2.html Part Three: http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2004/05/21/spam_pt3.html --------------------- Windows --------------------- ***Top 12 Ways to Degunk Your PC Your PC, with its 80GB hard drive and 512MB of RAM, runs way too slow. Why? It's gunked up with pictures, movies, music, and attachments you've saved; you've saved stuff to the wrong places; and you have apps installed that you don't use. If you want to clean up your PC, and get it running as fast as it should, follow Joli Ballew and Jeff Duntemann's 12-step program for degunking your PC. Joli and Jeff are the authors of "Degunking Windows" from Paraglyph Press. http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/05/25/degunkwindows.html ***Windows Server Hacks: Configuring Universal Group Caching Universal groups offer big benefits for system administrators, but can have downsides as well. Mitch Tulloch, author of O'Reilly's "Windows Server Hacks," shows you how to get the most out of them, and how to avoid the pitfalls. http://www.windowsdevcenter.com/pub/a/windows/2004/05/18/ug_caching.html --------------------- Java --------------------- ***SSS (Small, Simple, Safe) Teaching Java is complicated both by the language's syntax and the huge number of classes in its standard libraries. According to Alper Coskun, one solution might be "Small Simple Safe" (SSS), which tries to alleviate this by giving the user an opportunity to create and relate objects in a very simple GUI. http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/05/26/sss.html ***Documenting Projects with Apache Forrest Apache Forrest helps you develop the documentation to accompany your application, automatically providing a number of neat features such as menus, links, cross-references, and breadcrumb navigation. Kyle Downey provides an introduction. http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2004/05/26/forrest.html --------------------- .NET --------------------- ***C# Generics The single most anticipated (and dreaded?) feature of Visual C# 2.0 is the addition of Generics. Jesse Liberty shows you what problems Generics solve, how to use them to improve your code, and why you need not fear them. http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/05/17/liberty.html ================================================ News From Your Peers ================================================ ***Looking for more User Group events to attend? Or want to get more exposure for your next meeting? Check out the events page on the O'Reilly UG wiki: http://wiki.oreillynet.com/usergroups/null?UGEvents Until next time-- Marsee __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Friends. Fun. Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. http://messenger.yahoo.com/ --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss